Yessir, 구글SEO the thinking behind that involving keyword makes me giggle. Heck, it makes me drool. I enjoy finding those diamond-in-the-rough keywords that my competitors don’t even have a clue about, much less use!
One of my students recently spent thousands of dollars on professional photos for their products, only to discover their photos “stolen” and 구글SEO placed on that competitors eBay entries.
Value of keyword advertisement. If you rely partly online AdSense for revenue, may perhaps want to take into account the ads that is actually diplayed with the given keyword. Poetry pages specific you about $0.04 per click, while surveilance cameras can produce $2.00 per click.
So consider if Wordtracker had some data that the opposite data sources didn’t? The greatest thing about Keyword Elite is often that it cover’s some area’s that Wordtracker does always. You can actually integrate Wordtracker into Keyword High quality. Another option that to be able to is integrating Keyword Discovery as thoroughly. So instead of being only limited to the 36 million unique keyword searches that Wordtracker has, you are able to unlock 580 million from Keyword Discovery. Keep in mind that Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery are both fee-based servicing.
Start obtainable at each and every page of the website (especially category and product pages) and put on paper every keyword and key phrase that a web site surfer may use while trying to find your service or a product.
A recent article by respected SEO and Blog expert, Wayne Hurlbert, (see Keyword Density: SEO Considerations) suggests that Google sees pages by using a keyword density of compared to 2% as spam. Workouts this article which prompted me to analyze the keyword density of my copywriting website.
Finding several low competing yet high converting keywords is so simple as understanding your customer’s buying habits. If it’s in the action stage you are able to be there with them all.